Thursday, January 5, 2012

Telerik: RadComboBox SelectedValue

Among 100500 other "strange" features and behaviours of Telerik controls (particularly for ASP.NET), there is an amount of control properties that are accessible from code behind but not declaratively. That would be fine if setting it declaratively would not make sense, but it does.

RadComboBox contains SelectedValue property which is marked as Browsable(false):

This just means that one should not set it declaratively. But (!) if one does, it will work perfectly.

This discussion tends to explain why, but in case of ASP.NET ComboBox SelectedValue is indeed not expected to get specified declaratively. I assume Telerik guys just try to keep the API sustainable and commensurate to components in ASP.NET analogies.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

DLL configuration in a separate XML file

Ok, maybe its just me who does not like keeping all the settings of a library in a super-duper huge .settings file because I find this complicated to manage and troubleshoot. I like when I go to environment application folder, sort the files by type, locate the aspect I wonder and open the config file related to the environment.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

NHibernate Validation Event Listener

I'm a little tired of posts on the web describing how to perform the validation within NHibernate listeners facilities (even though few of them quite helpful). And to hook to the event listeners at all, by the way.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Pitch in

Let's frustrate a bit about MS way of doing things.

Let's start frustrating

That's enough. Starting this blog for a sake of publicly frustrating of a technological gaps in a range of items we're using to bring a customer satisfaction.